Wednesday 2 March 2016

Tuakana Teina!

Today was Tuakana Teina day, where we spent the day with out buddy class. 
We spent all day building positive relationships with our buddies and getting lots of learning done. They even helped us write our first draft of our 'all about me' text, which we will put on our blogs when we get them. At the end of the day, our buddy class, some year 7 and 8 students from room 10, took us out to play soccer. 
We wanted to practice listening to the rules, playing as a team and being fair. We also wanted to have a bit of fun!

Thank you to Ameila, who is one of our school leaders, for running and refereeing our soccer game!


  1. Hi room 6,
    I really liked the way you gave us some details of that day when we had soccer.
    I really hoped to have another fun afternoon with room 6 again.
    Keep the great work up room 6 and keep going.
    Kind regards Amelia!!

  2. Hi room 6,
    I really liked the way you gave us some details of that day when we had soccer.
    I really hoped to have another fun afternoon with room 6 again.
    Keep the great work up room 6 and keep going.
    Kind regards Amelia!!

  3. Hi room 6,
    I really liked the way you gave us some details of that day when we had soccer.
    I really hoped to have another fun afternoon with room 6 again.
    Keep the great work up room 6 and keep going.
    Kind regards Amelia!!


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