Wednesday 21 September 2016

Maria @ Tamaki Primary School: MY story about a lady.

Maria, you have some good ideas in your stories. You have a problem and a solution. I also love that you have used those classic fairytale beginning and ending - 'once upon a time' and 'they lived happily ever after'.
You have added some details like her heels fell in the mud then she got more angry, mud was splashing on her, she heard the birds tweeting. That is awesome!

Next steps - paragraphs, and using full stops and capital letters in the right place. It helps structure and organise your ideas so it makes more sense when you read it.

Maria @ Tamaki Primary School: MY story about a lady.: once  upon a time there was a lady called ana she  was so pretty she was getting ready for her wedding then sh then she got more she was wal...

1 comment:

  1. this is so cool because I was reading it


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