Thursday, 26 August 2010

Dunkirk Wharf

it was time to go to the dunkirk wharf
i don't know why but I felt like a dwarf
it seems everyone around me is just too tall
so then again i thought i was small

time was ticking as we walked by
did i think we were going to die
everyone walked with their heads bowed down
next minute you see that they've grown a frown

lower our rods into the water
then i pull a fish that's a quarter
throw it back that's that
find my dad sitting back

finishing up that was fun
can't wait to get back so i started to run

by celeste


  1. You are a very talented poet Celeste. Thank you for posting a very original piece on your class blog

  2. Awesome poem, Celeste. I like the way you made it rhyme!

  3. Celeste - I really like this piece of writing, I am lucky enough to have been to Dunkirk Wharf so I know what it looks like, but anyone who dosen't would get a great idea of what its like by reading your poem! Like the picture too although the fish seems really small! Great written work!


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