Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Science Week - HUMAN BODY! (Wednesday!)

Today we kept reading and learning about the human body. 
Some of the kids were begging to learn about kidneys yesterday (I know right?!), we started with kidneys and the bladder. 

Mrs Sharma and Miss Ashley took us in small groups to read with us about the kidneys and the bladder.

Again, we went away and documented the new words and the function of each organ. 

Over the next couple hours, both Mrs Sharma and miss Ashley took small groups and taught us about the lungs and the liver as well. We worked throughout the day to record their learning.

We learnt soooo many new words again today - check out our running total!

The other thing we did today was begin colouring in our organs. Our last two goals for the week were to build a model of the body, and use it to explain the organs' functions. To do this, we needed to colour in organs, laminate them, cut them, write the organs function on them and then arrange them on a body. Lots of work to do!


  1. i love your powerful words because they inspiring and intelligent.
    hi,room 6 i am so upsesed with the things that you are learning about your body and i like how you are explaining what your body parts do in your body and what they look like and what their names are.

  2. hi i really love the powerful words you have written and i really love the pictures you posted up and i love your wonderful work and it is so beautiful.

  3. thanks miss now I know loots about body parts.

  4. I like the photo's for the lungs the real one looks yucky.

  5. I like the photo's for the lungs the real one looks yucky.

  6. Thank you human body experience


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