Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Cordez @ Tamaki Primary School: tps year 4

I love your ending - what a good solution for when you are scared!

Cordez, whats happening with your capital letters and full stops.. I'm sure its not like this in your book.
Next time, come and sit with me and we can type it up together to check that it is alright. 

"One day it was a glorious day and the give was spitting and she got away and when she got away she ran fast as she could and then she stopped she walked the rest of the way when she came up to a big house. it was so big! Like, so big that I could sleep in there. The sun was rising. I was so tired and I came back and they saw me in their bed. I ran back home and got my passport and I got a flight to Alaska".

Cordez @ Tamaki Primary School: tps year 4: One day it was a glorious day and the. Give was spitting and  she  got away and. When she got  away she  run fast as she. Code and th...


  1. hi miss sahma you are a nice teacher and have a good day

  2. we learn so mate from you miss sahma have a good holaday

  3. ha miss shama you are so funny

  4. ha miss shama you are so funny

  5. ha miss shama you are so funny


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